Terms of Use

By browsing https://hotel-ermitage.evianresort.com, hereinafter referred to as "the Site", you acknowledge, in your capacity as a user, hereinafter referred to as "you" or "the Internet user", that you are familiar with the conditions of use set out below, as well as the specific conditions relating to certain services on the Site, and that you accept the terms thereof.

Legal notices

Company operating the website : EVIAN RESORT, a public limited company with a share capital of 1,857,490.00 euros, Trade & Companies register of Thonon-les-Bains number 795 780 113, head office at:

Quai Baron de Blonay

74 500 Evian-les-Bains


Tel: + 33 (0)4 50 26 85 00

email: standard@evianresort.com

Website Publishing Director: Pauline Blache, Digital Marketing Manager


Owner Information

SA Eaux Minérales d’Evian

11, avenue du Général Dupas

74500 Evian-les-Bains


Tel: +33 (0)4 50 84 80 80

Web hosting management

IT & Data Danone
19 Rue des 2 Gares, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison – France

Web hosting

P.O. BOX 81226 SEATTLE, WA 98108-1226


Website design companies

Website created by Infostrates, headquartered at 4 montée du commandant de Robien, ZAC la Valentine, 13011 Marseille.
Contact: info@infostrates.fr

Website terms of use and protection of personal data

By viewing this website, you automatically and unreservedly agree to all of the following conditions. Thus, should you not agree with these terms and conditions, we request that you refrain from using this website. The website’s copy and photos are not legally binding.


Photos & copyright
This website abides by copyright law. The works reproduced and shown on this website are protected by copyright. Without express permission from the Evian Resort, any use of these works other than for personal reproduction and representation is forbidden.

For information purposes, the creators of the videos used on this website are as follows:

Focus Production: www.focusvision.fr

One Million Dollar Film: www.onemilliondollarfilm.com

Tout le Monde Aime les Pingouins: www.toutlemondeaimelespingouins.com

For information purposes, the photos used on this website were taken by:

Sebanado www.sebanado.com

Jérôme Mondière www.jerome-mondiere.fr

Guillaume de Laubier www.guillaumedelaubier.com

Bernard Touillon www.bernardtouillon.com

Studio Gaudin Ramet studiogaudinramet.com

Olivier Amsellem www.olivieramsellem.com

Francis Vauban www.francisvauban.com

Emanuela Cino emanuela-cino.com

Olivier Hardonnière

Anne Moscatello annemoscatello.com

Brodbeck & de Barbuat brodbeckdebarbuat.com

Christophe Bielsa christophebielsa.com

 Pascal Reynaud pascalreynaud.com

 Alain Grosclaude alaingrosclaude.com

Matthieu Joffres matthieu-joffres.format.com
Maximilian Dietz dietzimage.com

Nicolas Jacquemin
C. Bech-Poulsen

Edouard Guibaud 
Humphrey Mulebaa  @good_citizen

Agence ARTO

Grégoire Gardette (gregoiregardette.com)

Pascal Etienne LATTES

Valentin Leroux


Further photo credits:
Evian-les-Bains Tourist Office
Town of Evian-les-Bains
evian (Danone Eaux France)
iStock Photos

La Vallée switzerland®


Website content

Including, but not limited to the overall structure of the website, the copy, photographs, layout, graphic identity, brand names, logos and other distinctive features that appear on this website are likely to be protected by intellectual property rights and are owned exclusively by the Evian Resort.

Therefore, these items cannot be used unless prior consent is given by the Evian Resort. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of items that feature on this website, by any procedure whatsoever, without the express prior consent of the Evian Resort, is forbidden and constitutes and an act of counterfeit resulting in criminal proceedings under the provisions of article L.335-2 and subsequent and L.713-2 and subsequent of the Intellectual Property Code.

Notwithstanding the care taken in producing this website and regularly updating it, its information and/or documents may contain errors. Users of this website must therefore carry out their own checks when necessary.

Subject to statutory or regulatory provisions, the Evian Resort shall under no circumstances be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the website or its contents, or for loss of use of the website, and in a broader sense, any incident related to the website.

Some pictures on the website are likely to show some alcoholic drinks. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for the health, please consume in moderation.

Protection of personal data

The company Evian Resort, located Quai Baron de Blonay, 74500 Evian-les-Bains, France, is responsible for processing the personal data that may be collected via the following websites:








Evian Resort undertakes to protect all personal data that you provide and to use this information as requested.

Evian Resort collects your personal data with the aim of, on the one hand, replying to your messages, and on the other hand, keeping you informed, subject to prior consent on your behalf, of products and services that you are likely to be interested in.

With this objective in mind, the Evian Resort collects your surname, first name and email address. This information is for use by the Evian Resort’s marketing and communications department. Under no circumstances will your data be communicated to third-party companies, without prior authorisation on your part.

You are given the opportunity to indicate your preferences with regards to promotional emails when you provide your personal data and each time we send you a promotional email. We draw your attention to the fact that this option only applies to promotional emails, in so far as it is sometimes necessary to send you an email regarding products or services that you have ordered.

In accordance with the French Data Protection law of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, you have the right to view and have modified or deleted all data that concerns you. You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of any data that concerns you.

For all claims regarding your personal data, please complete and return the form attached:  link to the form


Disputes & Mediation

If further to contacting the person in charge of the website or using the following address dpo@evianresort.com  , a satisfactory answer has not been received within 60 days, the customer can take the matter to the Travel & Tourism Ombudsman whose contact details and the contact procedure are available at the following website: www.mtv.travel


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